The benefits of resistance training for women with fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. It primarily affects women, with approximately 75-90% of diagnosed cases. Managing fibromyalgia involves a combination of medication, lifestyle changes, and therapy. One effective therapy that has gained traction in recent years is resistance training. This article explores the benefits of resistance training specifically for women with fibromyalgia and how it can improve their overall well-being.

1. Improved Pain Management

One of the primary symptoms of fibromyalgia is chronic pain. Engaging in regular resistance training can help alleviate pain and promote better pain management for women with fibromyalgia. The exercises involved in resistance training help improve muscle strength and flexibility, reducing strain on joints and enhancing overall joint stability. Strengthening these muscles can also act as a protective cushion and reduce the impact on tender points, diminishing pain sensations.

2. Increased Energy Levels

Fibromyalgia often leads to severe fatigue and low energy levels, severely impacting daily functioning. Engaging in resistance training boosts energy levels by promoting the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers and mood enhancers. Regular exercise, combined with resistance training, can significantly reduce fatigue, allowing women with fibromyalgia to take on daily activities with more enthusiasm and vigor.

3. Enhanced Mood and Mental Well-being

Fibromyalgia not only affects the physical health of women but also takes a toll on their mental well-being. Resistance training can help combat depression, anxiety, and stress often associated with fibromyalgia. The release of endorphins during exercise acts as a natural mood elevator, promoting a sense of happiness and improved mental well-being. Additionally, participating in regular exercise provides a sense of accomplishment and empowerment, helping women with fibromyalgia gain control over their condition.

4. Increased Bone Density

Women with fibromyalgia often face the risk of low bone density and osteoporosis. Resistance training, primarily weight-bearing exercises, helps improve bone mineral density. Engaging in exercises such as weightlifting, lunges, or squats stimulates bone growth and strengthens bones, reducing the risk of fractures and promoting better overall bone health.

5. Quality Sleep

Fibromyalgia can cause sleep disturbances, leaving women feeling tired and unrested, further exacerbating the condition’s symptoms. Resistance training has been proven to improve sleep quality by promoting better sleep patterns, reducing sleep disturbances, and encouraging deeper, more restorative sleep. By incorporating resistance training into their daily routine, women with fibromyalgia can experience more refreshing and restful nights, thus alleviating fatigue and improving overall well-being.

6. Improved Functionality and Reduced Disability

Fibromyalgia can limit women’s ability to perform daily activities and tasks due to pain and physical limitations. Resistance training helps increase functional abilities, including improved strength, flexibility, and mobility, leading to decreased disability. By participating in exercises tailored for their individual needs, women with fibromyalgia can regain control over their bodies and perform daily tasks with greater ease and independence.


Resistance training offers numerous physical and mental benefits for women with fibromyalgia. From improved pain management and increased energy levels to enhanced mood and mental well-being, resistance training can be a valuable addition to a comprehensive approach for managing fibromyalgia symptoms. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified trainer to develop an exercise plan suited to individual capabilities and limitations. Incorporating resistance training into the routine of women with fibromyalgia may significantly improve their overall quality of life.